Carl Silverberg

Carl Silverberg is the Senior V.P. of Outreach & Public Affairs for iUNU, a Seattle based startup that provides AI and computer vision technology to greenhouse growers. His primary role is to raise awareness of iUNU via traditional and social media channels by creating and disseminating content. In his public affairs role, Mr. Silverberg is actively engaged in leading a coalition to secure USDA funding for frontline communities.

    CEA as the Solution to the Global Food Crisis

    Carl Silverberg | Monday, August 17, 2020
    In recent months, hour-long lines, panic buying, and empty shelves have become common in grocery stores. Farmers, hit suddenly with the COVID-19 pandemic, have been forced to dramatically alter operations. According to a recent report by iUNU, the results have been staggering: food waste, food scarc... More ยป